How To Avoid The New Year Hangover!



Yes it is coming to that big celebration we all look forward to the ending of 2014 and the beginning of 2015. It has been known that we do have a pretty unhealthy relationship with alcohol. We do try to start off in moderation and yet tend to push the boat out a little too far, and really do you want to start off your New Year wishing you hadn’t drank so much the night before, with your head stuck to the pillow the next morning to sore to lift and for some the thoughts of food or any substance makes you recoil!

Hormones and Alcohol

Women and men are different when it comes to drinking as women have less body water than men, example if a woman of say 70kg drinks a unit of alcohol a man can drink one-third more to match blood alcohol levels. It is advised that women drink no more than 2 to 3 units per day and men no more than 3 to 4 units! So even in saying that you can see where we actually put so much stress on our bodies especially our liver as the majority of us in celebrations seem to hit more than the recommended alcohol unit limit. I do advise to drink water in between drinks to keep your body hydrated.

The famous Hangover, which I am sure most of you reading this have experienced as I have too in the past, than God (painful memories!). Hangovers are caused by ethanol a chemical in alcohol, which makes you urinate more in turn leads to Dehydration. Our usual suspects of a hangover; Headache, dry mouth, and nausea. Most of all alcohol is a hormone disruptor as it put so much pressure on your liver which is responsible for eliminating excessive waste from our bodies, and especially with just getting over the christmas celebrations and its rich foods and drinks we indulge in, our bodies are really doing double the work of breaking down and eliminating wastes as best it can under the pressure. So if the liver is busy dealing with breaking down alcohol it can be unable to fulfil the important role of ridding the body of waste hormones!


How To Prepare Yourself For New Years Celebrationscelebration

How to prepare yourself so you don’t have the heavy head and ill stomach on the first day of the new year.

  • Never drink on an empty stomach, as the liver can process alcohol much easier when you have eaten
  • Don’t drink if you are on medication
  • Drink plenty of water, even between drinks, most of all a pint before you go to sleep, as it can help the body to re-hydrate
  • Don’t mix drinks = suffering
  • Don’t binge drink or drink to forget!
  • Sadly today it’s best advised to watch your drink at all times, so your drink will not be tampered with.
  • If there is a history of heart problems in your family, alcohol causes narrowing of the arteries, so please reduce your intake of alcohol
  • If you are planning or are trying to loose weight cut out alcohol as it encourages fat to accumulate around the middle!
  • Drink lemon and hot water in the morning after drinking and a bloody good breakfast!
  • Drink to celebrate and most of all enjoy yourself.
  • If you need a new years monthly detox check out my Personal Health Coaching Programs, “ The Ultimate New You Detox”.


I wish you all a wonderful New Year and let this New Year be the one where all your dreams come true, so with a joyful heart, put a start to this year anew. Wishing all my readers a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015!stk20343wneBlissful Wishes

Maree Jane Duffy
Certified Holistic Health Coach





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