Winter Wellness, Foods To Boost Your Immune System.

winter illustration

As we move into winter, we also move into the heart of the dreaded change in lower temperature’s and the sniffle season of cold’s and flu.We know how to insulate our bodies from the cold on the outside, but do we really understand how to build a fortress of insulation inside our bodies? We have to protect it from lowering our immune system and allowing our bodies to become a host for bacteria to take up residence in forms of cold’s viruses and flu.

But there’s no reason to resign yourself to living off cold medicine and cough drops for the next few months. There are plenty of natural remedies to help you boost your immune system and stay healthy all winter long. So let us look at what we can incorporate into your  eating habits to build a solid immune system to get you through the winter virus free!



I start my morning with a little bit of sunshine, it could be lashing rain or gale force winds my sunshine is my egg in the morning which is filled with Vitamin D, the “Sunshine Vitamin”.  

Sunlight is the easiest and healthiest way to get vitamin D. The sun is the absolute best source of vitamin D, and it contributes to a powerful strengthening of your immune system.Over the last number of years there has been a push for people to wear sunscreen, but if you are not a sun worshiper, the minimal sun exposure during the summer without sunscreen would be 10-15 minutes a day only. And in the winter of course a little longer. When the UVB rays (not UVA rays) from midday sun hit your skin, they react with oils in your skin to produce vitamin D that is slowly absorbed by your body.Being in the sun and wearing sunscreen is very important to reduce the risk of skin cancer, although sunscreens block the ability of your body to produce vitamin D, and most sunscreens also contain carcinogenic chemicals that absorb into your bloodstream.

If you work in an office from 9 to 5 most days of the week, then most likely you need a supplement of vitamin D, although for better results in your body on the long-term, Natural vitamin D is by far better. The best food sources of natural vitamin D are egg yolks, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, organ meats, and some mushrooms. However, keep in mind that it’s tough to get enough vitamin D in the winter from food sources alone.You can get it from either cod liver oil or an oil-based D3 supplement is the best option for supplementing your vitamin D.

shutterstock_130218290And remember on your breaks if the sun is shining  go outside and soak up the free Vitamin D for at least 10 minutes, sunlight has amazing effects on us mentally and emotionally as we feel happier from the energy of the sunlight.Natural sunlight is a free and available mood enhancer. It encourages us to produce vitamin D and protects us from seasonal mood changes. Research has shown that sufficient levels of vitamin D control mood and feelings of satisfaction, especially in those with risk factors for SAD and depression.
NOTE: The benefits of sunlight can’t get through glass. This means sunbathing through windows won’t supply you with any vitamin D.

Vitamin D is known for its ability to increase calcium absorption and promote the development and growth of teeth and bones. Sufficient calcium levels in the body prevent teeth and bone erosion, including osteoporosis. So you can increase your vitamin D intake by eating Vitamin D rich foods,

broccoli-eggs-fish including eggs, cod liver oil, oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, trout. Also chia seeds, tofu, and dark leafy greens ~ except the ones with high levels of oxalic. Which I will follow-up on my series of blogs, as I show you how to enhance your immune system from the inside out!

I coach people to be the healthiest they can be and hopefully change lives in the process.So over the coming months if you are open, you’ll see me,providing my health coaching service and maybe help you to become healthier and happier in your life.