10 Affordable Superfood’s which suit your bodies Wellness


superfoods-logoSuperfood’s get their name because they provide a huge amount of beneficial nutrients to our body.

Sometimes they can be a little expensive so here’s a short list of affordable superfood’s that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to give you great health benefits….



1. Quinoa ~ This tiny grain packs a huge nutritional punch! It’s known as a super grain and for good reason. It’s cooked just like rice, it’s gluten-free and high in amino acids, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium and folate. It is also a source of calcium making it great for anyone following a vegan lifestyle. Quinoa is considered a complete protein meaning it contains all 8 of the essential amino acids out body needs for tissue development. It also contains almost double the amount of fibre compared to most other grains. Quinoa is also high in two particular flavonoids (plant-based antioxidants) called Quercetin and Kaempferol which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant benefits.


2. Spinach ~ Popeye’s favourite! Spinach is filled with antioxidants including Vitamin C and beta-carotene. It also contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin, together they help protect your eyes and guard against macular degeneration. One cup of spinach contains almost double the daily requirement of Vitamin K which helps in cardiovascular and bone health.Spinach is also a great source of Iron.



3 Blueberries ~ Blueberries have the highest antioxidant level of all fresh fruit. They are rich in Anthocyanins (powerful antioxidants) which come from the fruit’s blue colouring, Vitamins A, B Complex and E, as well as copper, selenium, zinc and iron. The antioxidants found in Blueberries can help fight against cancer by reducing the free-radicals in our body. They also contain antioxidants called flavonoids which can help protect our brain against age-related memory loss.


4. Beans ~ The humble bean. Most wouldn’t see it as a superfood but beans such as red kidney beans, cannellini beans etc are a great source of protein and fibre. They are low in fat and are a good source of magnesium and potassium which help lower your blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. Because they are such a great source of protein they are a fantastic addition to your diet if you want to reduce the amount of meat or even eliminate it altogether.

young garlic on a white background5. Garlic ~ Yes I know it’s not the best for your breath but for your health it’s wonderful! Garlic is at the top of the National Cancer Institute’s list as a potential cancer-preventative food. It is a powerful antioxidant, it helps reduce blood pressure and also helps lower cholesterol levels. It’s also a great source of Vitamins B6 and C as well as manganese and selenium. It also keeps vampires away which is always a good thing. Just making these small changes in your diet can exhibit significant changes, especially if coupled with other healthy changes. I will be adding another 5 more Superfood’s for your body on my next Blog post. I look forward catching up with you then. If you’d like to work with me to help you make those changes then one conversation may change your life? Schedule a free initial consultation with me today, and arrange a free initial health consultation. Maree