Winter Wellness, Foods To Boost Your Immune System.

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As we move into winter, we also move into the heart of the dreaded change in lower temperature’s and the sniffle season of cold’s and flu.We know how to insulate our bodies from the cold on the outside, but do we really understand how to build a fortress of insulation inside our bodies? We have to protect it from lowering our immune system and allowing our bodies to become a host for bacteria to take up residence in forms of cold’s viruses and flu.

But there’s no reason to resign yourself to living off cold medicine and cough drops for the next few months. There are plenty of natural remedies to help you boost your immune system and stay healthy all winter long. So let us look at what we can incorporate into your  eating habits to build a solid immune system to get you through the winter virus free!



I start my morning with a little bit of sunshine, it could be lashing rain or gale force winds my sunshine is my egg in the morning which is filled with Vitamin D, the “Sunshine Vitamin”.  

Sunlight is the easiest and healthiest way to get vitamin D. The sun is the absolute best source of vitamin D, and it contributes to a powerful strengthening of your immune system.Over the last number of years there has been a push for people to wear sunscreen, but if you are not a sun worshiper, the minimal sun exposure during the summer without sunscreen would be 10-15 minutes a day only. And in the winter of course a little longer. When the UVB rays (not UVA rays) from midday sun hit your skin, they react with oils in your skin to produce vitamin D that is slowly absorbed by your body.Being in the sun and wearing sunscreen is very important to reduce the risk of skin cancer, although sunscreens block the ability of your body to produce vitamin D, and most sunscreens also contain carcinogenic chemicals that absorb into your bloodstream.

If you work in an office from 9 to 5 most days of the week, then most likely you need a supplement of vitamin D, although for better results in your body on the long-term, Natural vitamin D is by far better. The best food sources of natural vitamin D are egg yolks, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, organ meats, and some mushrooms. However, keep in mind that it’s tough to get enough vitamin D in the winter from food sources alone.You can get it from either cod liver oil or an oil-based D3 supplement is the best option for supplementing your vitamin D.

shutterstock_130218290And remember on your breaks if the sun is shining  go outside and soak up the free Vitamin D for at least 10 minutes, sunlight has amazing effects on us mentally and emotionally as we feel happier from the energy of the sunlight.Natural sunlight is a free and available mood enhancer. It encourages us to produce vitamin D and protects us from seasonal mood changes. Research has shown that sufficient levels of vitamin D control mood and feelings of satisfaction, especially in those with risk factors for SAD and depression.
NOTE: The benefits of sunlight can’t get through glass. This means sunbathing through windows won’t supply you with any vitamin D.

Vitamin D is known for its ability to increase calcium absorption and promote the development and growth of teeth and bones. Sufficient calcium levels in the body prevent teeth and bone erosion, including osteoporosis. So you can increase your vitamin D intake by eating Vitamin D rich foods,

broccoli-eggs-fish including eggs, cod liver oil, oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, trout. Also chia seeds, tofu, and dark leafy greens ~ except the ones with high levels of oxalic. Which I will follow-up on my series of blogs, as I show you how to enhance your immune system from the inside out!

I coach people to be the healthiest they can be and hopefully change lives in the process.So over the coming months if you are open, you’ll see me,providing my health coaching service and maybe help you to become healthier and happier in your life.



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As we start putting on the extra layers, the wooly hats and gloves, and we wish we could just linger a little longer in our warm beds as we stick our toes out and feel the morning chill! Yes it’s the chilly season of winter, some people love it and others not. So besides all the extra layers we stack onto our bodies depending on the climate, a lot of people overlook or maybe don’t even think if they started looking after the insulation inside our bodies. We would be protecting it far better than the extra jumper we may put on to keep us warm!

Over the next number of Blogs,I will be touching on a few key elements to enhance your immune system, to get you through the winter season without picking up any flus or bugs. Our immune system consists of a variety of special cells, proteins and organs which are our defense against the invasion of harmful bacteria, viruses and other nasties that would love to get hold of your healthy body and take up residence for as long as they could, whilst at the same time it is bringing down your health.


So lets build up our defense inside our bodies, as a strong immune system is dependant on a healthy, well-balanced diet. This would consist of immune boosting nutrients such as vitamin A and C, and minerals Selenium, iron and zinc. I will also be including different sources of Antioxidants, as these will help strengthen the immune system, and the bonus factor antioxidants help slow down the aging process! Consuming a diet rich in a number of antioxidant foods will be an insulation to your body against a number of diseases. Did you know that 70% of the bodies immune system is found in the digestive tract, which is crucial for overall immunity. So lets look at what will make us feel great and healthy throughout the winter and have a fantastic time.

Follow me on this series of blogs as I show you how to enhance your immune system from the inside out.

Brain Injuries and Water

Water is what generates life on the planet and when you have the right quality of water in your body you feel different. This I found out over six years ago. As I said I loved water and all I drank was a certain label of bottled water, no matter where I was in the world I searched for this bottled water as I felt to me it was the best, that was until I drank ionized Alkaline Water. I thought I was Miss Fitness and when I drank this Alkaline Water how wrong was I! Little Miss Fitness became Miss unfit my body went through a huge detox and my body was flushing out all nasty stored up toxins, and over a period of time I really began to notice and feel the benefits of this water in my body.

One of the biggest things I noticed from drinking this alkaline water and still I am so glad to this very day, I had very bad acid reflux from the age of SIX, yes I know so young and boy oh boy did I suffer, and three days of drinking this alkaline water I no longer suffered with acid reflux and that is over six years now!.

Also from my head injuries I still suffered with bad sleeping patterns, not any more now from drinking this alkaline water and I really get my sleep and dreamtime in.  Another important key piece of information I would like to share with you, and going back to my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).brain-injury-causes-anger

I would like to say I never had this illness until after my accident, and all people both young and old who suffer with head trauma unfortunately can suffer with depression. I call it a silent illness as you may look fine on the outside but there is something else no one can see which is eating you up on the inside. I have spoken with groups and worked with people going through Depression, another common mental health concern which is also becoming common is Anxiety.

This was I can frankly say,and with some of the healing work I had done plus drinking alkaline water, I really started to notice that I was no longer slipping into a dark place which would happen so unexpectedly. One of the most important roles of water I learned is to keep your brain hydrated.

WholeBrain-450x253“Drinking the right Water So Important for the Brain? 

The Brain is 85% water. Optimal brain function depends on water and lots of it. Water is what keeps the brain signals going. When the quality of water is compromised the signals are short circuited. Water supports DNA and is the largest single source of energy. The brain has no way to store water and dehydration comes if all the water lost in a day is not replaced and this deficiency is accumulated. Brain cells need 2x more energy than other cells in the body. Water supplies energy. Nerve transmission consumes one-half of all the brain’s energy (nearly 10% of the whole body’s energy). When hydrated, you have more energy. When the brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, it will function at full capacity and you’ll think better and faster. Creativity is boosted.
Why is Water Important in Advanced Learning & Development Institute’s Brain Programs? 
It is most common that those with brain issues exhibited in Autism, Asberger’s, ADD, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Post Traumatic Stress, and Accidents do not drink enough water.

Often those with brain challenges will drink almost no water each day, only accentuating the problems in their brain functioning.

Instead, those with brain challenges will favour drinking the very beverages that cause more brain dehydration such as beverages containing caffeine, alcohol, or sugar.

Dehydration affects all functions in the brain. Mayo clinic says that the average adult loses more than 10 cups of water every day through breathing, perspiring, and eliminating wastes. 
Even if a person is 1% dehydrated, there is a 5% decrease in cognitive function. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy, short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing. Studies show that prolonged dehydration of the brain causes cells to begin to shrink. 

Water is an important factor in brain food and productivity. Many think that they can drink soda, coffee, milk, or juice and stay hydrated. This is not true. Especially the brain needs water to send signals from the brain to the rest of the body. 

Water eliminates toxins from the brain as well as delivering nutrients to the brain. When the brain is fully hydrated, the circuitry works well and functions at optimum levels. Water is essential for concentration and mental alertness.
Studies have shown that most people are permanently partially dehydrated. This means that their brain is working considerably below its capacity and potential. When there is brain injury on top of dehydration, the problems associated with dehydration cause more evident and profound symptoms.
To stop the many sources of free radicals attacking the brain and causing brain inflammation, a strong antioxidant and powerful, supportive anti-inflammatory agent like the free radical savaging, ionized, micro clustered, alkaline water is needed. In the ALDI brain program, we observed that all our therapies were enhanced significantly by alkaline Water. Ionized, micro clustered Water and its ability to support the body’s ability to deal with brain inflammation is exceptional. The results that we are now able to achieve with this Water are beyond any normal therapeutic expectations.  ~Dr.Corrinne Allen0

Water ~ An Introduction

Water Water everywhere, it is the foundation of Life, a combined life force energy along with Air which sustains us as living beings.

Nearly most functions of the body is monitored and noted to the efficient flow of water through our system. Water transports hormones, chemical messengers, and nutrients to vital organs of the body. When we don’t keep our bodies well hydrated, they may react with a variety of signals… some of which, we would never think or consider are related to our poor drinking habits, and actually they are! When we starve body cells of water they start to reset differently, which would include the number one component of health issues presently at large which is STRESS, both Physical & Emotional Stress.
Along with feeling exhausted and lack of energy, constant headaches, and dizziness. Another two big issues in our health and wellness in the present time is Obesity and Diabetes which is on the rise along with Autism, ADHD, Memory loss or foggy brain, Depression, many different skin problems such as dermatitis, psoriasis, there is high cholesterol, high blood pressure, kidney problems, colon issues, acid reflux, arthritis, chron’s disease and the list the list goes on. Yes there is always a pill or a lotion or potion to fit every ailment to give you that temporary remedy, but would you believe me if I said that most of these ailments could be reprogrammed and reset by just drinking water?
Of course I am not kicking the medical society as I am so grateful it saved my life. I was in a very serious accident some years ago I was knocked down in a hit & run, which left me in a coma for a number of months. My Neuro-Surgeon’s considered opinion there was no chance of a full recovery, but here I am fully recovered a passion inside me and  more about that in an and coming  blog post.

I was blessed with a gift and with that and the fire I felt inside myself I had to prove to the doctors that we can make ourselves well as the gifts on the earth all our natural resources which are here for us to use for OUR benefits and to serve us in this lifetime, as fire can breathe fire, life can create life, it’s all energy and that’s what we are made from. Water like us is such a sensitive force, as it is known that plants absorb more water at full moon and least water at new moon.

DNA-double-helix-MTHFR-gene-folate-folic-acid copy All life is motion. And natural movement does not come in straight lines but in spirals which is the actual shape of fluid energy, patterns and rhythms.
I have travelled and lived all over the world and worked with some well renowned and respected healers both in America and Brazil, Egypt and many different parts of Europe, Ireland, Austria, Germany, UK, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
One of key elements with all the healers I worked with was Water, and I was really involved in the fitness industry and I knew that water is the most important thing we need our bodies to consume each and every day, as a health and holistic therapist my clients would try to fob off their way of drinking water was by having a cup of tea or coffee!!! With hydration you simply cannot beat water.
This is actually one of the ways to Dehydrate your body as this is a list of Dehydrating Drinks
*Sports Drinks
*Energy Drinks
These are NOT water!
They contain water but also dehydration agents, Do NOT treat dehydration with these drinks your choice of drink should be HEALTHY ALKALINE WATER! 
This is one area where I am so passionate about, Water.3792403_orig