Brain injuries and water

“Drinking the right water, not just any water, is critical for your health and the prevention of disease. This is true, now more than ever, in our acidic 21st century society.” ~ Horst S. Filtzer, MD,
F.A.C.S. Former Chief of surgery ,
Cambridge Hospital,
Harvard Medical School.

Water is what generates life on the planet and when you have the right quality of water in your body you feel different. This I found out over seven years ago. As I said I loved water and all I drank was a certain label of bottled water, no matter where I was in the world I searched for this bottled water as I felt to me it was the best, that was until I drank ionized Alkaline Water. I thought I was Miss Fitness and when I drank this Alkaline Water how wrong was I!!
Little Miss Fitness became Miss unfit my body went through a huge detox and my body was flushing out all nasty stored up toxins, and over a period of time I really began to notice and feel the benefits of this water in my body.

One of the biggest things I noticed from drinking this alkaline water and still I am so glad to this very day, I had very bad acid reflux from the age of SIX, yes I know so young and boy oh boy did I suffer, and three days of drinking this alkaline water I no longer suffered with acid reflux and that is over seven years now!.
Also from my head injuries I still suffered with bad sleeping patterns, not any more now from drinking alkaline water my sleeping patterns have improved and I am keeping my body and brain constantly hydrated.

What is traumatic brain injury?
Traumatic brain injury, also called TBI, is sudden damage to the brain. It happens when the head hits something violently or is hit again and again, or when an object goes through the skull and into the brain. Causes include

  • Falls
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Violence, such as gunshot wounds, child abuse, or beatings
  • Injuries from sports or during combat

Dehydration leads to changes in the volume of compartments within the cranium that could put men and women at risk of brain damage after head injuries, according to a team of UK researchers.
Another important key piece of information I would like to share with you, and going back to my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).
I would like to say I never had this illness until after my accident, and all people both young and old who suffer with head trauma unfortunately can suffer with depression. I call it a silent illness as you may look fine on the outside but there is something else no one can see which is eating you up on the inside. I have spoken with groups and worked with Clients both young and old going through Depression. Another mental health concern which is also becoming common is Anxiety.

Most people do not know that Depression is a common problem after TBI. About half of all people with TBI are affected by depression within the first year after injury. Even more (nearly two-thirds) are affected within seven years after injury. In the general population, the rate of depression is much lower, affecting fewer than one person in 10 over a one-year period. More than half of the people with TBI who are depressed also have significant anxiety.

It is so important for people suffering with depression not to be afraid to go to someone, an either a close family member or friend. I know from a personal point of view that you can’t beat depression through sheer willpower, but you do have some control—even if your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent. The key to depression recovery is to start with a few small goals and slowly build from there. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make positive choices for yourself each day and draw on the support of others, and keep your body physically in the best working order you can, hydration is an important key here.

I have coached and applied healing work with clients of all ages dealing with depression over the years. I would encourage if you are feeling this way to reach out for support or help if you know of a family member or friend that may assist you. To anyone reading this knowing of family/friend suffering with depression  please be their light in the dark tunnel they are caught in. If you would like to contact me regarding this issue I would be more than happy to answer your questions.

It had taken me some time to overcome this but I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel as I had overcome so much before, I could not allow this to stop me. With some of the healing work I had done personally and changing and improving my nutrition  plus drinking alkaline water, I really started to notice that I was no longer slipping into a dark place which would happen so unexpectedly. One of the most important roles of water I learned is to keep your brain and body hydrated consistently.

WholeBrain-450x253I will be posting more on your Holistic Health in future blogs and if there is anything you would like me to discuss, you are more than welcome to drop me an email. And again if you would like to contact me regarding Depression I would be more than happy to answer your questions.

Enjoy and please share if you like.

Blissful wishes
Maree Jane

Maree Business Card Master 2





This is a Bumper Spring Package of our last four podcasts, in case you missed out and we would hate that, let me share some of the content included;

Podcast 1. We are discussing during this obesity crises how the UK government is funding corporate food companies to develop more unhealthy foods. We have also included something special for all the mammies and finding time and self care for you.

Podcast 2. We are discussing about the flu jab, how effective is it really?
Do you have enough support when making a lifestyle change, thats our niche.
Are you an emotional eater?

Podcast 3. We answer questions sent in about what to eat as we get older and how to stay healthy as we age. Also does juicing make you Fat??

Podcast 4. Our first podcast introduction Darren and myself we are both Certified Integrated Nutrition Health Coaches, explaining why health is your True Wealth. As I am also a water expert, and I love educating people on how good hydration can keep away the doctors and how important proper hydration is, plus the functions water has in our body, also what can happen if you are dehydrated!

Head over to our Facebook page and give us a like. If you would like to make a request on what we talk about, or would like to ask us to cover something in upcoming episodes head on over to our facebook page and leave us a comment. or
Email us at,



Good sleep is the cornerstone of great health. 7-8 hours is the optimal amount of sleep for most adults, getting too little or even too much sleep can effect your health in a negative way!

Sleep deprivation has become so common that many people may not even realize they are suffering from it.  Some of the serious problems that a sleep deficit can cause include:

  • A weakened immune system
  • Poor memory
  • Poor concentration and mental performance
  • Poor physical performance
  • Stress related disorders such as heart disease, ulcers, and depression
  • Reduced growth hormone produced (accelerating the aging process)
  • Hunger and weight gain

We are all designed the same way and just like a car or any form of transportation which uses an engine to run which needs fuel to keep it working, as human beings our creator gave us sleep to renew and recharge our bodies.

Life as we know it and its pace keeps picking up speed, yet the confusing thing is the more products we create to make our lives easier, iPhones, laptops, online shopping, fast food, faster transport….the less time we actually have to do things!! Yet we seem to be cutting ourselves short on one of the most important things we need, Sleep, this is what makes our bodies better to cope with things physically, mentally and emotionally and where a lot of people who cut their sleeping time short its actually effecting their nutrition intake, which in turn has a ripple effect to a faster burnout regarding their health.

I saw in todays paper headlines, “Sleep cuts Risks of Diabetes” ~  Just an extra 30 minutes helps. (Daily Express)
I agree with what they are saying to a point, as people who suffer from “Sleep Debt” are 72% more likely to be obese and suffer with weight related problems such as Type 2 Diabetes.

So try and stop living against your body clock, as a constant lack of sleep actually can speed up your Ageing process!! Start organising your day and note a time you are ready to commit in switching off and getting at least 7-8 hours sleep each night. I know I do and it was a challenge but your body will thank you in so many ways. Also another important note keep your body hydrated drink at least a large glass of water before you go to bed as sometimes if your body becomes dehydrated during the night you will wake up, so hydration is important so you don’t wake up out of a very comfortable sleep.

Sweet Dreams


Brain Injuries and Water

Water is what generates life on the planet and when you have the right quality of water in your body you feel different. This I found out over six years ago. As I said I loved water and all I drank was a certain label of bottled water, no matter where I was in the world I searched for this bottled water as I felt to me it was the best, that was until I drank ionized Alkaline Water. I thought I was Miss Fitness and when I drank this Alkaline Water how wrong was I! Little Miss Fitness became Miss unfit my body went through a huge detox and my body was flushing out all nasty stored up toxins, and over a period of time I really began to notice and feel the benefits of this water in my body.

One of the biggest things I noticed from drinking this alkaline water and still I am so glad to this very day, I had very bad acid reflux from the age of SIX, yes I know so young and boy oh boy did I suffer, and three days of drinking this alkaline water I no longer suffered with acid reflux and that is over six years now!.

Also from my head injuries I still suffered with bad sleeping patterns, not any more now from drinking this alkaline water and I really get my sleep and dreamtime in.  Another important key piece of information I would like to share with you, and going back to my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).brain-injury-causes-anger

I would like to say I never had this illness until after my accident, and all people both young and old who suffer with head trauma unfortunately can suffer with depression. I call it a silent illness as you may look fine on the outside but there is something else no one can see which is eating you up on the inside. I have spoken with groups and worked with people going through Depression, another common mental health concern which is also becoming common is Anxiety.

This was I can frankly say,and with some of the healing work I had done plus drinking alkaline water, I really started to notice that I was no longer slipping into a dark place which would happen so unexpectedly. One of the most important roles of water I learned is to keep your brain hydrated.

WholeBrain-450x253“Drinking the right Water So Important for the Brain? 

The Brain is 85% water. Optimal brain function depends on water and lots of it. Water is what keeps the brain signals going. When the quality of water is compromised the signals are short circuited. Water supports DNA and is the largest single source of energy. The brain has no way to store water and dehydration comes if all the water lost in a day is not replaced and this deficiency is accumulated. Brain cells need 2x more energy than other cells in the body. Water supplies energy. Nerve transmission consumes one-half of all the brain’s energy (nearly 10% of the whole body’s energy). When hydrated, you have more energy. When the brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, it will function at full capacity and you’ll think better and faster. Creativity is boosted.
Why is Water Important in Advanced Learning & Development Institute’s Brain Programs? 
It is most common that those with brain issues exhibited in Autism, Asberger’s, ADD, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Post Traumatic Stress, and Accidents do not drink enough water.

Often those with brain challenges will drink almost no water each day, only accentuating the problems in their brain functioning.

Instead, those with brain challenges will favour drinking the very beverages that cause more brain dehydration such as beverages containing caffeine, alcohol, or sugar.

Dehydration affects all functions in the brain. Mayo clinic says that the average adult loses more than 10 cups of water every day through breathing, perspiring, and eliminating wastes. 
Even if a person is 1% dehydrated, there is a 5% decrease in cognitive function. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy, short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing. Studies show that prolonged dehydration of the brain causes cells to begin to shrink. 

Water is an important factor in brain food and productivity. Many think that they can drink soda, coffee, milk, or juice and stay hydrated. This is not true. Especially the brain needs water to send signals from the brain to the rest of the body. 

Water eliminates toxins from the brain as well as delivering nutrients to the brain. When the brain is fully hydrated, the circuitry works well and functions at optimum levels. Water is essential for concentration and mental alertness.
Studies have shown that most people are permanently partially dehydrated. This means that their brain is working considerably below its capacity and potential. When there is brain injury on top of dehydration, the problems associated with dehydration cause more evident and profound symptoms.
To stop the many sources of free radicals attacking the brain and causing brain inflammation, a strong antioxidant and powerful, supportive anti-inflammatory agent like the free radical savaging, ionized, micro clustered, alkaline water is needed. In the ALDI brain program, we observed that all our therapies were enhanced significantly by alkaline Water. Ionized, micro clustered Water and its ability to support the body’s ability to deal with brain inflammation is exceptional. The results that we are now able to achieve with this Water are beyond any normal therapeutic expectations.  ~Dr.Corrinne Allen0