
Good sleep is the cornerstone of great health. 7-8 hours is the optimal amount of sleep for most adults, getting too little or even too much sleep can effect your health in a negative way!

Sleep deprivation has become so common that many people may not even realize they are suffering from it.  Some of the serious problems that a sleep deficit can cause include:

  • A weakened immune system
  • Poor memory
  • Poor concentration and mental performance
  • Poor physical performance
  • Stress related disorders such as heart disease, ulcers, and depression
  • Reduced growth hormone produced (accelerating the aging process)
  • Hunger and weight gain

We are all designed the same way and just like a car or any form of transportation which uses an engine to run which needs fuel to keep it working, as human beings our creator gave us sleep to renew and recharge our bodies.

Life as we know it and its pace keeps picking up speed, yet the confusing thing is the more products we create to make our lives easier, iPhones, laptops, online shopping, fast food, faster transport….the less time we actually have to do things!! Yet we seem to be cutting ourselves short on one of the most important things we need, Sleep, this is what makes our bodies better to cope with things physically, mentally and emotionally and where a lot of people who cut their sleeping time short its actually effecting their nutrition intake, which in turn has a ripple effect to a faster burnout regarding their health.

I saw in todays paper headlines, “Sleep cuts Risks of Diabetes” ~  Just an extra 30 minutes helps. (Daily Express)
I agree with what they are saying to a point, as people who suffer from “Sleep Debt” are 72% more likely to be obese and suffer with weight related problems such as Type 2 Diabetes.

So try and stop living against your body clock, as a constant lack of sleep actually can speed up your Ageing process!! Start organising your day and note a time you are ready to commit in switching off and getting at least 7-8 hours sleep each night. I know I do and it was a challenge but your body will thank you in so many ways. Also another important note keep your body hydrated drink at least a large glass of water before you go to bed as sometimes if your body becomes dehydrated during the night you will wake up, so hydration is important so you don’t wake up out of a very comfortable sleep.

Sweet Dreams


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