

This is a Bumper Spring Package of our last four podcasts, in case you missed out and we would hate that, let me share some of the content included;


Podcast 1. We are discussing during this obesity crises how the UK government is funding corporate food companies to develop more unhealthy foods. We have also included something special for all the mammies and finding time and self care for you.

Podcast 2. We are discussing about the flu jab, how effective is it really?
Do you have enough support when making a lifestyle change, thats our niche.
Are you an emotional eater?

Podcast 3. We answer questions sent in about what to eat as we get older and how to stay healthy as we age. Also does juicing make you Fat??

Podcast 4. Our first podcast introduction Darren and myself we are both Certified Integrated Nutrition Health Coaches, explaining why health is your True Wealth. As I am also a water expert, and I love educating people on how good hydration can keep away the doctors and how important proper hydration is, plus the functions water has in our body, also what can happen if you are dehydrated!

Head over to our Facebook page and give us a like. If you would like to make a request on what we talk about, or would like to ask us to cover something in upcoming episodes head on over to our facebook page and leave us a comment.
www.facebook.com/themdhealthcast or
Email us at, themdhealthcast@gmail.com

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